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Among the topics that received the most attention during our recent mind-mapping session were the need to sharpen our message, engage more with our advisors and strengthen our overall communications. All three are important, and very high priorities for us.

With regard to our message, we heard a call for developing a better “elevator pitch” than our current line about “strengthening the bonds that unite the Jewish people.” As we reach out to more and more people, especially those not as deeply engaged in Jewish life as our early adopters, we have been advised we will benefit from language that is more exciting, inspiring and motivating. To that end, we are in the process of forming a small group to help us address this challenge.

As for stimulating greater interaction with our advisors, one step we are taking is inviting advisory board members to include their thoughts in GJ Connections. That communication was never intended to be limited to my voice. The plan is to make it a weekly newsletter with information and perspectives provided by others, not just me.

Starting next week, all advisory board members will be given the opportunity to share their thoughts and, we hope, links to videos they create about the importance of Jewish unity, community, connections and collaborations.

As for our communications with the broader Jewish world and general community, we are taking two steps right now. First, we are moving ahead with the further development of our website, especially in ways that highlight the work and amplify the message of our partner organizations.

We are also in the process of finalizing the leadership, membership and principles for our GJ Chaverim, an amazing group of people who have agreed to serve as brand ambassadors and network weavers for Global Jewry. With their help, we expect to dramatically increase our reach in the weeks and months ahead.

And, finally, things I used to share in GJ Connections will now be sent in a new communication called “GJ Insights.” In fact, this is the first edition and that’s why our header looks a little different!

As always, thank you so much for your support and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on how to make our internal and external communications as strong as possible.

Shabbat Shalom,

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