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Supernova: The Music Festival Massacre Screening

Montreal , Montreal

Join us on April 2nd at Concordia for a screening of "Supernova," a powerful 52-minute documentary. "Supernova" delves into the aftermath of a tragic massacre, sharing stories from survivors and

Trivia Night! | Lev Fellows

Hillel Montreal 3460 Rue Stanley, Montréal

Join Hillel Montreal and Lev Fellows for a night of Israel and Jewish trivia! Come alone or with a group of friends to a night of fun questions, food, and

Looking Ahead: The Future of Israel and the Jewish People with Donniel Hartman

The Berman Center For The Performing Arts 6600 W Maple Rd, West Bloomfield Township

As Israel continues to be challenged by the war in Gaza, moral, philosophical, and ethical questions dominate the discourse and expand well beyond its borders. Join Shalom Hartman Institute president

Yom Ha’atzmaut Post-Rally BBQ

Hillel Montreal 3460 Rue Stanley, Montréal

Join us at the Hillel House after the Yom Ha'atzmaut Rally for a community wide BBQ for students & friends. Let's come together and celebrate Israel as one. Am Israel

Special Student Event with Loay Alshareef

**A special event with Loay Alshareef** Join us for a light dinner with Loay Alshareef, a PR Specialist & Peace Activist, leading Arab social media influencer and advocate for coexistence.

BBYO Leadership Ambassador Application

Montreal , Montreal

The goal of the Leadership Ambassador Program (LAP) is to introduce and educate teens from a variety of local high schools and grades to the world of BBYO. Ambassadors will

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