Laurie Blitzer serves as the Global Chair of Birthright Excel and is a past Vice Chair of the Birthright Israel Foundation, of which she was a founding member. She is also a board member of Hillel International, Moishe House, HaShomer HaChadash (New Guardians of Israel), Leading Edge, sits on the North American Advisory Committee for TOM ( Tikkun Olam Makers), and just completed her board term at BBYO International.
She is also on the board of UJA- Federation of New York, where she co-chairs the Center for Youth Philanthropy (all teen activities). Laurie is also a past member of JFNA’s Young Leadership Cabinet and the Wexner Heritage Fellows program. Laurie graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in European History/ International Relations and received an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. She retired from McKinsey & Company, where she was a partner in the media and entertainment and healthcare practices. Laurie lives with her family in NYC.